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A New Development for NAYADA-Crystal Whole Glass Partition System.

A New Development for NAYADA-Crystal Whole Glass Partition System
A sample of in-frame profile

NAYADA Company has developed a new vertical in-frame profile for NAYADA-Crystal whole glass partition, only 10 mm thick.

The profile is made from anodized aluminum and has an H-shape in its section.

The new profile not only emphasizes the elegance and lightness of he glass system, but also raises its sound-proof characteristics and provides solidity and additional rigidity of whole glass partitions.

This is achieved by means of joining separate glass sheets 10 m thick into one monolith construction.

Considering all the parameters, the new Nayada product doesn’t have analogues in Russia.


A New Development for NAYADA-Crystal Whole Glass Partition System

On the photograph there are two junctures: with in-frame profile (on the left) and a standard juncture of the whole glass sheets (on the right) with a technical clearance up to 2-3 mm.

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