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In contrast to fixed ones, mobile office partitions are not fastened to floor or ceiling. They comprise one or several modules joined by connective supports in a certain configuration. Mobile office partitions can be easily moved, dismantled and assembled in any other configuration. In addition, due to some design and decorative features, mobile office partitions are the ideal basis for workplaces arranging.

One of the most important characteristics of the room, in addition to comfort, functionality and aesthetics, is the degree of soundproofing. Sound insulation problem is particularly acute in the design of office and other public spaces. NAYADA Company has successfully resolved this problem due to the wide range of different measures providing a high level of sound insulation

NAYADA-Parapetto railing system is designed for use in interriors of: shopping centers, business centers, balconies, atriums, offices, country houses.

These are quickly and easily installed sanitary partitions combining highly hygienic and aesthetical characteristics.

NAYADA &ndash racks; the company's universal response to the needs of the modern commercial real estate market. Installing partitions in the offices of clients, we have repeatedly observed the difficulties encountered in the selection of furniture and accessories for the finished room. We came up with the idea to offer a convenient and profitable solution for all parties..

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