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One more kind of coating for Nayada partition steel profiles.

Now Nayada Company can offer one more method of steel profile coating using polyester. It is a material highly resistant to external factors and allowing to extend the terms of partition operation.

A NAYADA-Raumann partition system on a steel profile was installed in “Ledovy Palace” in Mytishi. Safe tempered glass together with polyester used as a coating material complies with the norms of explosion hazard for buildings with mass accumulation of people.

Polyester has a wide colour scale offering a lot of variants to choose from. Besides, this material possesses one more important quality: it lowers the price of a project to 10% comparing with the method of powder coating.

A NAYADA-Raumann partition system on a steel profile was installed in “Ledovy Palace” in Mytishi

View all photos of the object «Ledovy Palace» (Mytishi).

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